ICELand Direct

Why are Dietary Supplements in such demand right now?


We all know COVID-19 has changed the world drastically. People have become more concerned about their health and so have got inclined to dietary supplements. More than half of People eat one or more supplements every day or occasionally. Supplements are sold without a prescription and are available in pill, powder or liquid forms. Common types of dietary food supplements are vitamins, minerals and herbal products often called botanicals.

If you come to this bottle of vitamin C or fish oil tablets, you may wonder how well they work. The first question you must ask is if you need them first or which vitamin increases immunity. People take these supplements to ensure they get enough vital nutrients and their health is sustained or improved.

Eating right should be the first priority. You should consume a range of nutritious foods to get all of the nutrients you need so you don't have to take one. However, supplements may be useful to fix your diet lacunae. There are various physical conditions where just eating right does not work and we need the best nutritional supplements to support our health. Let’s have a look at which are the best nutritional supplements that would be helpful to our health.

dietary supplement

Omega 3 Fatty Acids - Our bodies cannot produce Omega 3s, which is essential fats, so we must get them from food. For heart protection, omega 3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are considered to be beneficial. They lead to the production of blood clotting hormones, and help in limit and relax your smooth muscles and inflammatory effects. They can also help prevent heart disease, reduce the risk of blood clots, and reduce blood pressure, blood triglycerides, and inflammation.

Fiber - Fiber is the number one heart disease prevention nutrient, it actually has so many advantages that you can claim it helps keep you alive longer. There are two types of fibers Soluble and insoluble fiber. Many foods high in fiber contain some of both and are highly helpful for heart disease prevention.

Folate - An amino acid, homocysteine, is associated with the hardening of the arteries, which is the primary cause of coronary artery disease. Research has shown that B vitamins lower homocysteine levels and the thickening of the arterial walls is decreased by folic acid. A meta-analysis in the Clinical Nutrition journal found that folic acid decreases the risk of stroke by 12 percent by lowering blood homocysteine levels and reducing the thickening of the artery wall.

Lycopene - Its protective function in lowering blood pressure and C reactive protein, a marker of cardiac inflammation, has been identified in a number of clinical studies. Also, it is responsible for the red colour of tomatoes.

Potassium – It is one of the important minerals which helps in managing high blood pressure. Potassium helps to relax blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure.

You can discuss what supplements you are taking with your doctor so that your treatment can be incorporated and controlled. dietary supplement vitamins and minerals are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as foods and not drugs. The aim of the food supplement is to add to your regular diet that little extra. They ensure that you get a measurable amount of vital nutrients and that the low nutritional content of the many foods we consume is compensated for.

Iceland one such dietary supplement vitamins and minerals provider accounts for much of the world’s supply of high-quality fish oil. Astaxanthin, Vitamins A, D & E, ALA, Glucosamine, Alpha Tocopheryl, CoQ10, Saw Palmetto, Evening Primrose, Flaxseed, Biotin and Lecithin are our variety of many popular nutrients which we directly provide. Icelandirect delivers your product in the form of soft gels, emulsions, powders and more in compliance with GMP quality requirements and built to your specifications. Being the need of the hour Dietary Supplements are a great take for business.

Shop for Omega oils and more premium oils from ICELANDirect today!


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